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This page offers a decent sightseeing tour to interesting places in Bremerhaven. Click the pictures to get there.

Deutsches Auswandererhaus in Bremerhaven. Deutsches Auswandererhaus
The „Deutsche Auswandererhaus“ (DAH) is open to the public since August, 8th in 2005. Bremerhaven, Port of Embarcation, was the biggest port for emigrants. Since the beginning in 1852 until now about 7,2 million emigrants have left for the “new world” via Bremerhaven. You may find very interesting stories about this time and the fate of many emigrants in picture and word.

Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum in Bremerhaven. Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum
The „Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum“ is a unique museum. You are invited to view all subjects about the beginning of navigation and sailsmen until today in exhibitions inside and outside the building.

Zoo am Meer. Zoo am Meer
The zoo exists since 1913 next to the famous restaurant „Strandhalle“. Through the years it has always been changed. Then in 2000 a new concept was made up, and finally in March 2004 the “Zoo am Meer” was reopened with a brand new face. People in Bremerhaven still call it “Tiergrotten” though, just like the always have. A very attractive place for young and old.

Musikhaven - das regionale Musikportal in Bremerhaven. MUSIKHAVEN
Wenn es um die vergangene oder aktuelle Musikszene in Bremer-
haven geht sind Sie hier genau richtig. Mit stichhaltigen Informationen und lockeren Geschichten berichtet der "Musikhaven" über die Live-Szene der Stadt. Weiter werden Informationen rund um das Musikgeschehen geboten. Ein Muss für alle Musikfreaks aller Generationen.